LEGO League: the kids of the Steel Team of Cogne Acciai Speciali win the “Stella nascente” (Rising Star) Award
In winning the “Stella nascente” (Rising Star) award, the Steel Team of Cogne Acciai Speciali marked the end of a splendid experience at the First LEGO League Challenge, participating in the national finals which took place in Piacenza this weekend. The girls and boys who attend the company’s after-school club, coordinated and promoted by Cristina D’Arienzo and Luca Salvemini, arrived at the final stage of the science and robotics tournament “First Lego” with an innovative and eco-sustainable project aimed at the company where their parents work.
The challenge revolved around Superpowered, asking twenty-eight teams to find innovative solutions to produce and save energy, improving use of resources.
The Steel Team of Cogne Acciai Speciali, following a discussion with CAS expert engineers Matteo Diani and Vincenzo Morreale, analysed the energy solutions used by the company to develop the eco-friendly approach that Cogne Acciai Speciali is pursuing. The team then focused their LEGO League project on the use of solar energy (photovoltaic systems) and hydrogen, used as an alternative to natural gas in the heating and thermal treatment furnaces, contributing to the reduction of production and emission of carbon dioxide.
The company management congratulate the girls and boys of the Steel Team, and thank the technicians who assisted them, in the belief that the involvement and awareness-raising of the new generation on energy issues and use of renewable sources is both useful and essential for a more sustainable vision of the future.