We are proud of the way everyone in our organization takes responsibility for creating an inclusive and fair workplace. Our culture allows us to always be respectful of others, whether they are employees, customers, suppliers or anyone else we work with. This helps us to pursue compliance with the law, consistency with our principles of conduct and to keep our reputation high.
As part of our job, we take every report of any illegal behavior or harmful activity seriously. To make sure anyone can do it safely, we've revamped our whistleblowing channel / whistleblowing portal.
You can make your report from your computer, tablet or smartphone. A specific third-party body, consisting of professionals completely independent of our organization, will take charge of the report, analyze and investigate it. No one else, inside or outside the company, will know about your report.
In this way, together, we can stop any illegal activity, preventing it from causing further damage by making our workplace better for everyone.
Merely by way of example, we point out that they should not be considered events and/or facts to be reported, for example:
personal grievances;
personal opinions about colleagues and the company;
personal claims relating to relations with one's immediate superior.
This compliance tool provides a simple, easy-to-use, and confidential way to make your voice heard, blocking any behavior that falls outside our high standards.
If you have any questions about reporting problems, your rights or any other related topic, please contact the members of the Supervisory Body of Cogne Acciai Speciali SpA at the following e-mail address ODV@cogne.com
To access the reporting channel click on the link below